Training Young Leaders, Impacting Young Lives
When young people are given the opportunity to lead, they become architects of their own future, and change agents in their community. We seek to support young people in becoming the next generation of leaders we need who will shape our society and our future.
At the Boys & Girls Club of Laguna Beach, we foster each member’s leadership potential through a variety of programs and real-life experiences. Take a look at what we offer!

Leaders in Training (L.I.T.)

Youth of the Month

Youth of the Year
Embracing the success of Members of the Month, Youth of the Year showcases members’ talents and achievements, highlights their hopes and dreams, and work towards a bright and positive future. Each Club selects a Youth of the Year who is announced at the annual Youth of the Year Awards Night. High school-aged awardees will compete against other Youths of the Year from Orange County. The Orange County Youth of the Year progresses through state and regional events, culminating in a weeklong celebration in Washington, D.C., where one is named the National Youth of the Year – the highest honor bestowed upon a Club member.
Please visit your inquiring or currently attending site for additional programs offered and to view a seasonal calendar.

Laguna Beach Youth Of The Year
Laguna Beach Youth of the Year
Established in 1947, Youth of the Year is Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s premiere recognition program. It celebrates young people for their commitment to community service, academic success, good character and citizenship, and establish long term goals. Recipients are able to move on to compete at regional and national levels.
Junior Youth Of The Year
Junior Youth of the Year
The recognition program seeks to develop junior leaders within the Club environment. The program fosters each Club member’s emerging leadership abilities while preparing them for later participation in the Youth of the Year program. Through this program, Club youth become motivated to seek opportunities for leadership and to act as responsible citizens and change agents.
Keystone Club
Keystone Club
This unique program provides leadership development opportunities for youth which includes activities in three focus areas: academic success, career preparation and community service.
Leaders In Training
LIT—Leaders In Training
By having the opportunity to practice leadership roles, youth learn the value of handling responsibility, building teamwork and being accountable. Club members track their community service hours that apply to scholastic needs which creates a reward system to motivate them to reach their goals.
Torch Club
Torch Club
Young people develop and strengthen their leadership skills which assists them in developing good character and integrity. This program is a powerful vehicle that helps Club staff meet the special development needs of younger adolescents at a critical stage in their life.
Junior Staff
Junior Staff
A leadership program that encourages members to make their Club and their community a better place.
Be A Star
Be A Star
An anti-bullying program that teaches members to identify bullying, and how to work through difficult situations with peers through emotional intelligence.